Students’ perception and analysis of the teaching method and teaching strategies in Eranitri’s YouTube video for teaching grammar
- Authors: NurFauzia S.1, Prihatin Y.1, Rosdiana I.1
- Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
- Issue: Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
- Pages: 108-124
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- ID: 22209
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The influence of modern technology advancements has led to a widespread adoption of social media as a tool for English language learning. Due to social media, teaching English is no longer constrained by time or place. YouTube is a medium that can be used to teach English grammar, Eranitri is one of the content creator who used YouTube as media for teaching grammar. This study aims to analyze students’ perception of teaching method, teaching strategy and teacher performance of Eranitri’s Youtube video for teaching grammar. The participants were ten graduated students of English Education at Universitas Pancasakti Tegal. Data collection conducted by Observation Checklist, Questionnaire and Sentiment Analysis.face validity and content validity were used to meet validity the questionnaire. There are two types of questionnaire, the first questionnaire used to analyze students’ perception of teaching method in Eranitri’s YouTube videos and the second questionnaire used to analyze students’ perception of teaching strategy used by Eranitri in her YouTube videos. The result show that the highest strongly agree and agree response of questionnaire teaching method is from the criteria Grammar Translation method strongly (75% and 25%), then in the questionnaire of teaching strategies majority positive answer strongly agree and agree is from the criteria boardwork presentation, concept map, analogy, questioning, and wait time strategy (30%-70%). According to five categories (Organization, Active and Engaged Learning, Rapport, Credibility and control, Presentation) in the observation checklist and Sentiment Analysis which is used to analyze Eranitri performance as teacher in her YouTube Videos, most respondents give the positive answer in categories 1,2,4, and 5 (35%-80%). The conclusion of this study is Eranitri used Grammar Translation method for teaching in her YouTube videos, she also used 5 strategies for teaching; boardwok presentation, concept map, analogy, questioning and wait time srategy, then Eranitri has good performance as teacher but bad in the rapport or knowing and responding the students.
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In globalization, technology plays a crucial part in people’s life, and it influences all aspects of life. According to K. Srivastava & Dey (2018), the evolution of electronic media has impacted people from all areas of life. It is also true in the field of education. In addition, Prihatin (2019) said that the development of the industrial revolution and technology also affected the teaching of English in Indonesia because technology became important in the development of languages that could not be separated from one another. Moreover, according to Muhammad Et. Al in Cahyana (2020) YouTube is a free social media platform that allows its users including students and teachers worldwide, to watch and upload videos easily. Therefore, with unlimited access to YouTube worldwide, students will easily get references to grammar material. They can learn videos from their teachers or other learning content creators.
Talking about content creators who create English learning video, one of the most well-known in Indonesia is Eranitri. Bahri et al. (2022) explained that Eranitri is one of the top five content creators selected from the most popular hashtags on TikTok related to learning English with the hashtag #samasamasiswa (79.4 billion views) in the hashtag #samasamasiswa the five best content creators can be seen based on the number of followers, videos, likes, and content presented. After receiving many likes, views, and requests from TikTok netizens for her to create a YouTube channel about English learning videos, Eranitri finally decided to create her own YouTube channel with the name “Eranitri”. Bahri et al., (2022) also said that the number of followers and likes on Eranitri’s video show that Eranitri’s content has a pretty interesting appeal to the audience. Much content is delivered interestingly and explained concisely but in quite an easy-to-understand manner.
Based on the explanation above, the author researched Eranitri’s teaching method and teaching strategy in the grammar learning video on her YouTube channel. It was based on the perception of ten graduated students of English education. The researcher chose Ten graduated students of English Education Universitas Pancasakti Tegal as the sample because they have received deeper learning about TEFL methodology and practised the teaching process using some TEFL method in micro-teaching during their study.
Literature review
Relating to the Larsen Freeman theory in Anabokay & Suryasa (2019), describe seven teaching methods usually used by EFL teacher: The Direct Methods, Grammar Translation Methods, Suggestopedia, The Audio Lingual Methods, The Silent Way, Community Language Learning, and Total Physical Response. According to Gill & ., (2017), the teaching method is a style of presenting content in the classroom, and it is a practical implementation of an approach in a system by a procedure. It entails deciding what will be taught and in what order it will be presented. Therefore, Prospective & Corps (2018) suggested using selected language teaching methods for teaching grammar as follows: Direct Method. According to (Waheed, 2018), the direct method is a language teaching method that demonstrates a direct or instantaneous correlation between experience and expression, between English word, phrases or idioms and their meaning, through presentation and dramatization without the use of the mother tongue. Grammar Translation Method. According to Megawati (2017), the Grammar Translation method is a method of teaching the target language which combines the grammar method and translation method in which students understand the target language with the translation of reading. Audio Lingual Method. According to Alemi, Maedeh & Tavakoli (2019), The Audio Lingual Method is a method of teaching English that is used to develop and improve students’ speaking skills. Through practices and exercises in understanding other people’s word in everyday conversation situations, students are emphasized in understanding listening and speaking skill in this method. This method focuses on exercises, drills, memorizing vocabulary, and reading texts in its implementation. Communicative Approach. Based on Sri Sulastri (2018) communicative approach is teaching method which has main concept in communication competence, this approach emphasizing the goal of second language learning gain the students’ communication competence. The teacher’s knowledge of grammar remains students competence in communication in certain situations. Total Physical Response. Total physical response (TPR) is a method of teaching English that involves giving students orders in the target language and then asking them to reply using gestures.
Therefore, According to Waheed (2018), a teaching strategy is a detailed concrete strategy or trick designed to achieve a short-term goal. Teaching strategies are formulating a policy before the content presentation to achieve teaching objectives. It is a type of goal-achieving planning. Therefore, in teaching grammar, teachers also need to decide the appropriate and innovative teaching strategy to effectively achieve the goal of learning. According to (Bezusa & Samoylyukevych, 2020), several innovative strategies can be used by EFL teachers in teaching grammar, such as Using songs and Poems, Using Games, Story Telling, Using Other media, Board work Presentation, using students and teachers, using realia, Dialogue Building, Dictation, Dictogloss, Concept Map, Analogy, Questioning and Wait Time Strategy.
The researchers employ a qualitative approach in this study. Qualitative research explores a problem in depth, utilizing approaches that allow researchers to provide in-depth thoughts and interpretations without numerical measurements. The type of this Qualitative Research is the case study. Using a case study is to analyze and describe each person individually for his/her activity, special needs, life circumstance, life situation, and life history. A group of people such as a school, department, and teaching staff. A problem or several problems, processes, phenomena, or events in a particular institution in great detail. A case study is referred to as a descriptive technique in these studies if we stay on the descriptive level, but when we move to the causal level, the case study transforms into a causal experimental method—an expert, J. Sagadin states (Personal & Archive, 2018).
The subject of this research is 10 Graduated Students at English Education Program Universitas Pancasakti Tegal. The sample is selected using the Probability sampling method. The term "probability sampling method" refers to a sampling technique where subjects are chosen without consideration for bias or prejudice and where each population unit has an equal or predefined probability of being included in the sample (Shukla, 2020). The data collecting techniques used in this research are observation, questionnaire and Sentiment Analysis. There are observation checklists and questionnaires as instruments of this research. The researcher collects data using two closed-ended questionnaires. The first questionnaire used to analyze the teaching method is from Eranitri’s youtube video. This questionnaire consists of the theory from Prospective & Corps (2018), which has suggested the selection teaching method for using teaching grammar. The second questionnaire analyses the teaching Strategy from Eranitri’s youtube video. This questionnaire consists of the theory from Bezusa & Samoylyukevych (2020), which has explained several innovative strategies that EFL teachers can use in teaching grammar. The researcher used a Google form with certain questions for the responders to answer to collect data. Face validity and content validity are used to validate the questionnaire.
Results and discussion
The general result of the observation checklist can be read in Chart 1:
Chart 1. General Result of Observation Checklist
As we can see from the general result above, in category 1, which is Organization, there are five items which respondents must answer. The total score of this category is 50. However, the results show that most respondents filled the checklist with yes (64%), with a total answer of 32. In the five items, the rest answered no (36%), with a total answer of 18. It means that most respondents found that Eranitri has a good score in the Organization of the learning process. Organization means the selection, grouping, and arrangement of various activities deemed necessary to reach the objective, the assignment of individuals to carry out these tasks, the provision of suitable physical environment factors, and the designation of relative authority delegated to each accountable person. They were carrying out each relevant activity (S. Srivastava, 2018).
While in category 2, “Active and Engaged Learning”, consists of 4 items and a total score of 40. Ten respondents filled out the checklist no (25%). However, most respondents answered the checklist with yes (75%). It can be considered that Eranitri has completed the category of active and engaged learning because most of the criteria of this category has completed. In line with those result, an expert outline six strategies to help develop active and engaged online learning they are; 1) developing a group or community, 2) designing the lesson expectation, 3) using online tools to promote interaction between students and teacher, 4) encourage students to share the ideas, 5) giving direct feedback, 6) student-centred learning (Khan et al., 2017).
Category 3, “Rapport”, consists of 4 items with a total score of 40. In this category, most respondents filled the checklist no (82,5%), meaning Eranitri did not do the activities related to students with teacher interaction and how teachers treat students, but also their respondents filled out the checklist yes (17,5%). In line with this result as an expert M.Kousa Paivi said the main challenge faced by teacher in conducting learning using video is non-authentic interaction between teacher and students, the lack of spontaneity of teachers’ reponses cause the learning process not conducted in face to face environtment (Cahyanigsi & Kurniawan, 2021).
In category 4, which consists of 3 items with a total score of 30, all the respondents filled the checklist yes (100%), which means that all respondents considered that Eranitri has confidentiality, credibility and the ability to control the learning process.
Category 5, “Presentation”, Consists of 4 items with a total score of 40. All respondents also filled out the checklist yes (100%), and no one filled out the checklist no in all items of this category. It means that all respondents considered Eranitri capable of presenting the subject matter, according to (Harris, 2018) presentation skill for teacher including in several aspect; audibility reffers to your voice must be heard by the students. Pace refers to the speed you speak, Pitch refers to the musical quality of the teacher’s voice and Articulation/pronunciation refers to how to pronounce the word correctly. Energy and enthusiasm convey eye contact, gesture and movement the teacher made.
The general result of the Questionnaire teaching method can be read in Chart 2:
Chart 2. General Result of Questionnaire Teaching Method
In criteria 1, Direct method, most of the respondents (52,5%) chose to disagree that Eranitri employed Direct Method in her YouTube video, then 22,5% of respondents choose strongly disagreed that she employed the Direct method in her YouTube video and the rest, 20% choose strongly agree, and 5% choose to agree.
In Criteria 2, Grammar Translation Method, most respondents (75%) strongly agree that Eranitri employed Grammar Translation Method in her YouTube videos, and the rest (25%) agree that Eranitri Employed Grammar Translation Method in her YouTube videos.
In criteria 3, Audio Lingual Method, most of the respondents (62,5%) chose strongly disagree that Eranitri employed a communicative approach in her Youtube videos, the second highest score is from the answer strongly disagree (10%) then the rest of the respondents (2,5%) choose Neutral that Eranitri Employed ALM in her YouTube videos.
In Criteria 4 Communicative Approach, most of the respondents answer neutral between agree and disagree (57,5%), then the second highest score is from the answer disagree (37,5%), and the rest is from the answer agree (5%).
In the last category Total Physical Response, the highest score is from the answer strongly disagree (70%), the second highest score is from the answer disagree (25%), and the rest is from the answer neutral between agree or disagree (5%).
General Result of Questionnaire Teaching Strategy can we read in Chart 3:
Chart 3. General Result of Teaching Strategy Questionnaire.
In Criteria 1, using song and poems, the result shows that the highest score of the answer comes from the answer disagree (37,5%), then the second high score from the answer neutral between agree and disagree (27,5%), while from the answer agree has 20% and the rest is from the answer strongly disagree 17,5%.
In Criteria 2, using games, the result shows that the highest score of the answer comes from the answer disagree (67,5%), then the second high score from the answer disagree (22,5%), while from the answer agree has 7,5%, and the rest is from the answer neutral between agree and disagree 2,5%.
In Criteria 3, using Story Telling, the result shows that most respondents answer strongly disagree (72,5%), and the rest is from the answer disagree 27,5%.
In Criteria 4, using other media, the highest score is come from the answer agree (65%), the second highest score is from the answer neutral between agree and disagree (25%), and the rest is from the answer strongly agree (10%).
In Criteria 5, using board work Presentation, the highest score comes from the answer strongly agree and agree (30-55%), 10 % from the answer neutral between agree and disagree (10%), and the rest is from the answer disagree (2,5%).
In Criteria 6, Using students and you, the teacher, the highest score is from the answer disagree (45%), the second high score is from the answer agree (25%), then from the answer neutral between agree and disagree (15%), and the rest of the answer Strongly agree (5%).
In Criteria 7, using realia, the highest score is agreed (30%), then the next has disagreed (27,75%), the answer is neutral between agreed and disagreed (20%), strongly agreed (17,5%), and the rest of the answer strongly disagreed (5%).
In Criteria 8, using dialogue building, the highest score is from the answer disagree (52,5%), the next is from the answer agree (27,5%), the next is from the answer strongly disagree (17,5%), and the rest from the answer strongly agree (2,5%) nobody answers neutral between agree and disagree.
In Criteria 9, using dictation, all the respondents gave negative responses 60% answered disagree, and 40% answered strongly disagree.
In Criteria 10, using dictogloss, most respondents answered strongly disagree (60%), the next highest score was from the answer disagree (32,5%), then 5% of respondents answered neutral, and the rest answered 2,5%.
In Criteria 11, using a concept map, all the respondents gave positive responses, with 70% answering agree and 30% answering strongly agree.
In Criteria 12, analogy, the highest score is from the answer agree (67,5%), the next is from the answer neutral between agree and disagree (20%), and the rest is from the answer disagree (12,5%).
In the criteria 13 questioning, the highest score is from the answer agree (67,5%), the next is from the answer neutral between agree and disagree (27,5%), and the rest from the answer disagree (5%).
In the last criterion, wait time strategy, most respondents answered strongly agree and agree (10%-70%), but 17,5% answered they disagree, and the rest 7,5% answered neutrally between agree and disagree.
The General Result of the Sentiment Analysis can be read in Table 1:
Table 1. General Result of Sentiment Analysis
Video | Response of video | Comment | Total Comments | |||||||||||
Organization | Active and engaged learning | Rapport | Credibility and control | Presentation | ||||||||||
Like | Unlike | |||||||||||||
+ | - | + | - | + | - | + | - | + | - | |||||
1 | 6900 | 0 | 7 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34 | 0 | 24 | 4 | 71 | |
2 | 2800 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 11 | 2 | 23 | |
3 | 1800 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 3 | 16 | |
4 | 1700 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 10 | |
5 | 949 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 11 | |
6 | 852 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 15 | |
7 | 666 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 9 | |
8 | 719 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 8 | |
9 | 541 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 8 | |
10 | 475 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5 | |
Total | 17402 | 0 | 50 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 38 | 0 | 70 | 13 | 176 | |
Total Percentage | 28% | 3% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 22% | 0% | 40% | 7% | 100% | |||
*NB: + (Positive Comment) - (Negative Comment) |
From the result above, we can see that Eranitri got the highest good comments from the viewer in the presentation category (40%), which means she had a good presentation in the learning process. She also got good evaluations or comments from the category organization class (28%) and commented about her credibility and control in the learning process (22%).
Based on the data collected in the previous chapter, the results show that based on the several categories described in the questionnaire and their respective characteristics, the most characteristic of the teaching method that follows the learning method on YouTube Eranitri is the grammar-translation method. Almost all respondents responded positively; 75% of Respondents answered that they strongly agreed with the characteristics of the grammar-translation method in the Eranitri learning video and the remaining 25% of respondents agreed with the characteristics of the grammar-translation method in the Eranitri learning video.
Eranitri uses teaching strategies in her youtube video; board work presentation, concept map, analogy, questioning and wait time strategy. While for the teaching strategy, there were 5 categories indicating that the research subjects agreed on the appropriateness of each existing activity against the characteristics of the category. In the board work presentation category, the result shows that 32.5% of respondents gave a response that strongly agreed, and 55% of respondents answered that they agreed. All respondents gave positive answers in the concept map category; 30% answered strongly agree, and 70% answered they agreed. In the third category, namely analogy, in this category, there were 67.5% of respondents answered in agreement. It is similar to the analogy; in the questioning category there were 67.5% of the respondents answered agree and lastly in the wait time strategy category, 45% of the respondents answered strongly agreed and 30% answered that they agreed.
Based on the checklist observation and Sentiment analysis, the teacher's performance in the Eranitri youtube video has good evaluation and can be a reference for teachers to teach grammar. In the organization category, the checklist shows 64% of the sample giving a positive assessment, supported by the number of positive comments from netizens in the organization category by 28%. The active and engaged learning Eranitri category received a positive response from the research sample, as much as 75% but no positive comments in this category. Eranitri has a large percentage (82.5%) of negative responses in the rapport category. It shows that Eranitri has deficiencies in responding to and treating students. On credibility and control, Eranitri got a positive response from respondents; in the comments column, he got 22% positive comments in this category. In the last presentation category, Eranitri received a fully positive response from respondents (100%) and 40% positive comments on the YouTube video. Therefore, it can be concluded that Eranitri is good in all aspects of the instructional learning video category except in the rapport category; she knows less about treating and interacting with the students.
About the authors
Sita NurFauzia
Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
Author for correspondence.
Bachelor Degree of English Education
Indonesia, Tegal, central java, IndonesiaYoga Prihatin
Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7955-8407
Dean Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Indonesia, Brebes, central java, IndonesiaIhda Rosdiana
Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
Master Degree of English Education
Indonesia, Tegal, central java, IndonesiaReferences
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