- Авторы: Igolkina N.
- Выпуск: Том 2, № 1 (2021)
- Страницы: 23-28
- Раздел: Статьи
- URL: https://fler.press/fler/article/view/10090
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.35213/2686-7516-2021-2-2-23-28
- ID: 10090
Полный текст
Krashen’s Monitor Model has been arousing considerable debates for many years and learningacquisition distinction described by the author has become the subject of criticism from both researchers and teachers. But the controversy which is revealed in the Monitor Model and in the follow up literature is not resolved yet. Moreover, scholars and language teachers provide ample justification to foster this hot discussion. We have carried out literature study, introspective and retrospective analysis to examine our own experience as a teacher and as a language learner, and have studied cases described by many other language teachers in a number of teachers’ forums from 15 professional network groups. It is shown that individual learner differences are the key factor which should be taken into consideration when describing the process of second or foreign language mastering. Language learning and language acquisition should not be opposed to each other as they present different means of developing language skills used by different learners. As a result, some learners demonstrate process of language learning characterised by careful grammar rule studying and benefit from error correction, while others develop language skill through subconscious acquisition. Thus, we state that learners fall into two types: language learners and language acquirers whose individual differences predetermine the way learners study the language. The type of a leaner defines the peculiarity of language skill development.
Об авторах
N. Igolkina
Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Natalia Igolkina Россия